Dark energy and the expansion of the Universe:
“Expand the mysterious universe with the astonishment of your observers wanting to know what it is that drives you to be greater than you are and belittling those who already are.” The knowledge that the human being has of the universe expands in each new era, going from a geocentric and static model of the universe to a heliocentric one with no apparent limits to reach the present time with a universe with titanic dimensions and full of more mysteries than resolutions Even more so, a universe that expands, with every second that 1km of space passes in the cosmos it expands some fifty meters (-0.000000000000001 m), that is, the size of a proton, it may seem very little but over time it makes itself felt and therefore it is evidence that the Universe is very old, an expansion of 13,700 million years, but the question of this expansion is why is the universe expanding? The expansion could be thought of as a relic of the inertia of the Big Bang or a kind of First Great Motor that pu...